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COVID-19 vs Disastrous Dinners

We1 have a couple of IChemE events planned for later this month, or rather had. Today we have postponed our Troubleshooting Distillation and Absorption Column Internals event that was scheduled to be held in Glasgow on the 19th. Many businesses are cancelling all but essential meetings and the presenter felt that this could be considered such a meeting or that turnout would be particularly low.

Independently, the presenter for this month’s disastrous dinner got in contact with myself to ask if we intended to postpone or cancel the event. For now, the event is still on. Neither the UK nor Scottish governments are currently recommending canceling events. We are in the ‘containment’ rather than the ‘delay’ phase, unless you have been to an affected area or have been in contact with someone suspected to have been infected, then there are no specific changes that need to be made beyond good hygiene.

Of course if this advice changes then we would look to reschedule, but for now the disastrous dinner is still scheduled to go ahead.

Update 2020-03-11 13:05 IChemE have now published some guidance:

In line with national guidance, currently IChemE is not proposing the cancellation of member-led regional activities

Update 2020-03-17 13:05 The event is now cancelled based on the latest guidance.

  1. The IChemE Scottish Members Group
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