« BBC Top 100 Books:
Prisons and Addicts »

Deflating Experience

I have avoided writing notes on Wednesday nights because they would all involve cycling through Hollyrood Park and nearly getting killed or complaining about the cycle lanes/paths that are death traps.

This evening this problem was solved by getting the timing wrong, hitting the kerb harder than I had intended an I assume it was this that caused my rear tire to deflate. So instead I locked the bike up to the well (St Marys I think) and had to sprint across the grass and under the railway to make it to Meadowbank in time.

And I think I have learnt about half the kids names in time for the 2 week break in which I can forget them again. I guess shouting "hey you" will have to do.

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« BBC Top 100 Books:
Prisons and Addicts »


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