« Entering the World of Work
The Dreaded Task »

Looking on the Bright Side

Today, rather than cycling 10 minutes down the hill to the refinery, I drove 45 minutes to another site to attend a trial at a suppliers factory.

When I arrived, I was informed that the test had been cancelled. Everyone else on the team was informed, I just got missed out. There was in fact nothing for me to do over there. After being informed, I was promptly escorted out of the building.

My initial reaction to all this, while standing in the wind and heavy rain, was probably what you would expect. Lots of irritation, with some anger mixed in. But once started to drive back to the refinery, I quickly relaxed. Sure the traffic was pretty nasty by this point, but that was something I could not control. I use the opportunity to catch up on some podcasts as I made my way back across the country.

The big advantage came at home time. By that time the wind and rain was even worse. But because of the earlier mixup, I didn't have to cycle home in it.

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« Entering the World of Work
The Dreaded Task »


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