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Keep Pushing It

At the start of the year my ability to do push-ups was pretty pathetic. I had been enjoying doing a weekly circuits session at the company gym for over a year. I had noticed a improvement in most of the exercises. But not push-ups. I was happy to do any other exercise, but cringed the instructor mentioned them.

Around about the start of the year, I decided I wanted to change this. I knew I could do 10 in a row, but somewhere before 15, my body would revolt and refuse to continue. So instead of waiting once a week to see what the instructor asked us to do, I committed to myself: 10 push-ups. Every day.

I knew I could do it and I hoped that if I did it more often, my mussels would improve and I could go further. It worked. After a few weeks, I added another 5, so my task became 15 daily push-ups.

I have continued on like this, every month adding another 5.

Every time I add another month, I thought that I was My progress can't continue. At the start of last month, I was moving from 30 to 35. I remember thinking I could only barely do the 30 last month, there was no way I could do 35. But I did. Every day for the last 30 days.

And today? I managed 40. Just.

It wasn’t easy, I am still struggling towards the end, but I am still making progress. Hopefully in a months’ time I will manage to continue on with 45.

I don’t know where this will end, but I do know that it can’t continue forever. Each month the daily exercise is taking a little bit longer. This should be a quick daily exercise. If it takes too long, I will start to skip it. I suspect I will add a different type of exercise (pull ups?) or add a weight. My kids would be happy to jump on my back and shout "giddy up horsey" while I am attempting push-ups.

For now, I will keep pushing on.

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