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Getting Started Again

As I was writing my last post, my home server had started to die. An intermittent fault had developed that got worse over time. While none of my data was lost, I did have a lot of downtime until I built a new one. Unfortunately this meant that I could not post anything until it was fixed.

The new server has been working for a few weeks now, yet I haven't posted until now. I still had to setup the software to update the site and I was out of the habit of posting. The thought of having to setup the software again as well as writing a post was too much of a barrier. I took the easy option.

Then today someone emailed me a comment to a post I wrote over a decade ago. I try post or respond to comments quickly, so I had to make time to setup the software again. Now it is setup, I now longer have an excuse for failing to post.

A simple comment can be very effective.

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