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Me vs Car

So cycling home up Clarke street and car decides to turn left (with no indicators cos as we all know indicators don't work in the rain). In turning left the car proceeded to take me out and I don't mean for a drink. Whilst I can admit it wasn't the best of weather conditions, I was wearing a BRIGHT YELLOW jacket so unless I have fitted the bike with a clocking device I should have been fairly easy to spot. I let out a yelp as I went over the handle bars and landed a meter away. Several passers by were shocked by what had happened and encouraged me to take down the registration number. Instead I took several photos.

I think the bike might have won this round

Front of van showing damaged light and dent to body work
The Damage
Front of van showing damaged light and dent to body work
The Damage

All in all I think I came out rather well. My legs hurt but that is more to do with the 15 mile run yesterday. I managed to run again this evening so it can't have been that bad.

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