« CUW (part 2)
Punching Moving Heads and Other Non-exiting Stuff »

Bugs, Supervisors and Sisters (Same Things I Suppose)

It would appear that whilst I was enjoying the sun yesterday lots of little buggers were having a feast on me! I have dozens of bit marks on my legs and they are VERY itchy. I want to threaten them with being squashed into tiny bits of pulp for what they have done but the point is moot and I probably crushed most without noticing. Well so far I have managed to wake 2 freahser's up though today’s was at 10:15 so I think he should have been up anyway. Perhaps I am being just al little mean at enjoying this but then again I have to be up so I feel they partly deserve it, especially with the amount of rubbish I have to throw out at the moment.

One of the security supervisors had a go at me today for taking an unofficial tea break; my boss (who is in sick leave at the moment) has okayed this. This is the supervisor that has been most anal all summer and considering I now have only 2 shifts left (which I do not want to do anyway) I came very close to telling him exactly what I thought of him but just managed to restrain myself. Not sure I will manage on Friday.

Going to a friend’s birthday party thing tonight; will probably initial getting very drunk. My sister still enjoys sending me text informing me she lost the game. Just received one whilst typing. Must return the favour at some point (like writing in her script of the play she was in. therefore each time they got to the line in rehearsals/performance she lost and cursed me. We do like each other honest.

Hmm, need to find some food now

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« CUW (part 2)
Punching Moving Heads and Other Non-exiting Stuff »


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